is a prototype of poetic augmented reality. An application written in AS2 and released as open source project for future developments. is a gesture oriented interface, where screens are closer to the users. use a video-camera to see, a video-projector to augment the reality and a laser ray to interact and share light's content. can be used for free by artists, educational and cultural institutions. Under the guidelines of the LaserTag group, that inspired this application, is better to do not use this opportunity to spread commercial logos on big screens.







Download PLOGit

Creative Commons License



The use of PLOGit is very simple. Follow the 5 steps configuration and setup:

1. Download PLOGit

2. You need a dual monitor video card. Set-up the second monitor at 800x600px.

3. You need an external camera with exposure and zoom for optimal performance.

3. Open the folder and execute PLOGit_v8.swf (if you don't have a stand alone flash player... Nop time is over...)

4. Using the GRID buttons to align the camera view and the second monitor (be sure to have a nice surface).

5. Turn on distortion for fine alignements, and finally turn on the aura. You just need a good laser and the PLUGIN will helps you to play.


IMAGES FROM Salice Slentino (LE) march 2010


IMAGES FROM SMIR (Mondovì CN december 2009)
 by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at